I would like to use the widget "Recent Tweet" in the footer. I already installed and try to show what tweeted in my account. But it just does not work. Is there anyone how can help me on to enable this great feature on my website?
Hello, You can try "Guerrilla's Recent Tweets Widget" Plugin for the latest tweet. Download it from the link given below and install it from the Plugins panel (Plugins -> Add New) in your Dashboard. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/guerrillas-recent-tweets-plugin/ This will solve your issue.
Hi Piyush Thank you! It worked. Now how can I remove <li> on the menu list widget display in the footer? Naoko
Do let us know your website link and specify your issue little more with the help of screenshot images that which <li > tag you want to remove, so that we will solve your issue.
Paste the following code in your custom css Appearance -> Theme Options -> Styling Options -> Custom CSS Code: .footer-container ul.menu li { list-style: none; } This will solve your issue.
It worked perfectly. Thank you very much!!! But now I found the other problem.. how can I change font color of the recent tweet? Naoko from Japan
Paste the following code in your custom css Appearance -> Theme Options -> Styling Options -> Custom CSS Code: .footer-container .tweet a { color: red; } .tweet-text { color: white; } .footer-container .tweet .tweet-created_at a { color: blue; } you can put your color or color code in place of red, white and blue. This will solve your issue.