Hi, I just have one other question, I noticed this has been asked about the Main home page, but is there any way of increasing the amount of text show on the blog home page? I'd really like to show the first section of the blog post with the 'read more' after maybe 10 lines instead of the thumbnail and preview. Is that possible? Here is a link to my site: http://throughmylookingglass.me Thanks so much!
Hello, For this you need to add some code in function.php file. Go to the Appearance > Editor > function.php and add code given below as shown in image. Code: add_filter('excerpt_length', 'my_excerpt_length'); function my_excerpt_length($length) { return 190; // Or whatever you want the length to be. } Increase or decrease "return 190" to increase or decrease your blog page content.
Thank you so much, Nitesh! You make it seem so easy Is there anyway to keep the formatting like in the post? Sorry to be a pain!! I've uploaded a screenshot of what I'd LOVE to do if it works? So the image would be at the top and the formatting is like the single blog post but there is a 'read more' button after a paragraph or so?