Greetings! I'm using a logo that's not quite as wide as the recommended optimal size. I'm wondering if it's possible to reduce that area that's allotted to the logo. [The area boxed in RED in the screen capture below.] My intent is to create more space for more parent pages along the nav bar so they won't need to wrap to a second row. I'll send admin access via email if you need that. It will be labeled "MERGE" in the Subject line. Thanks for your help. Glory
Hello, Glory.. Greetings from InkThemes! Thanks for the details Glory.. We will get back to you soon.. Thanks & Regards! Priyanka
Hello Glory, Have done the changes for this issue... Kindly check your site... Thanks & Regards! Priyanka
Hi, Priyanka... I'm not seeing a difference in placement of the nav bar; i.e., pages haven't shifted to the left as I thought they wpi;d. In addition to not being able to see the entire nav bar (mentioned in another thread), there doesn't seem to be anything different. What am I missing? This is what I see... when I thought the nav bar would be moved further leftward: I must be missing something ... would appreciate your help in explaining it to me. Thanks, Glory
Hello, Glory.. You are kindly requested clear your cache and check after that as all the changes are reflecting on your site... Please have a look at the screenshot given below.. Do let me know if you need more assistance, Thanks & Regards! Priyanka
Priyanka ... cache flushed and I now see the work that you've done. Perfect! Would you mind telling me where the changes were made? ... and the code you used? I'd like to learn from this. Thank you! Glory
Sure Glory.. I used below code in styling option of your dashboard.. Code: #menu .ddsmoothmenu { text-align: left; } Thanks & Regards! Priyanka