Hello! I have a client who requires that Verdana be used throughout their site. Nothing else. No other font. Is it possible to specify Verdana ONLY for all text? If so, please let me know how to accomplish this. Thank you very much! Glory
Hello, Greetings from InkThemes, You can resolve it yourself, All you have to do is just go to Dashboard->Appearance->Theme Options->Styling Option->Custom CSS field and try to cut paste the given below CSS code there. Code: body { font-family:verdana !important; } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-family:verdana !important; } p{ font-family:verdana !important; } Hope this will resolve your issue. Do let me know if you need more assistance, I would be glad to assist you further,
Sobhagya, Thank you! Your advice plus other post requests and solutions helped me to get it done. Glory
Hi Glory, It's my pleasure to assist you Let me know if need further help. Regards! Sobhagya InkThemes.com