Hey Support, Just purchased all the plugins, and now I'm trying to use InkPage Plugin with BizGrow theme. It's not working, and the documentation on it seems to be out of date or for an different plugin entirely. Is there a support forum for InkPage? The problem is that there seems to be no content or options under any of the tabs in the InkPage dashboard. As you can see from the attached screenshot, I'm using WP 4.1. Thank you,
Hello, Please provide the following information listed below. This thread Link: Your Website URL: WordPress Username: WordPress Password: Send this information on our email at [email protected] Thanks & Regards Pramod Patel
That's awesome. Thanks, Pramod. However... It is only working on that one "test" site because you edited the code. I need the plugin to work on all of my sites. 1) Please tell me or show me with screenshots what you edited so I can fix my sites myself. 2) When will the plugin files be updated on the member download page? 3) None of the plugins I've tried are working (InkPage, InfoBar, InkLeads), so when will all of the plugins be updated? Thank you, Taylor
Now that I've had a chance to play around with the InkPage plugin, I have some questions... 1) How do I use a page I've created? Is there a shortcode, and if so where do I find it? Is there any documentation for this plugin? 2) How do I upload my own button images? 3) Can I use an image instead of a video at the top of the page? 4) Are you going to create a support thread for this plugin, or am I the only one using it? Thank you for your help!
Hello ! We have updated this in members area you can download it and use it. Please follow link and instruction which you got with plugin and let me know further doubts. http://www.inkthemes.com/plugin/landing-page-wordpress-plugin/ Thanks & Regards Pramod
Thank you. It's working on other my other sites now. No instructions came with it, which is another reason it would be great to get a support thread. When will all of the plugins be updated? It's kind of frustrating to pay for something that doesn't work. I know you guys are busy at InkThemes.
Ahhh its at the end some secret page chooser lol, allow me to hot step you to save any trouble After filling in all the obviouse stuff you will need to add a new page example - "Landing Page" in the top right you will see your landing pages that you created. Chose the one you want and hit publish. Next if you want to use ONLY the landing page not your full website; you want to go to settings - Reading - and change the "front end displays" to a static page and change the front page to "Landing Page" hit save changes and your done this was also an hour of my life i will never get back hope it helps