Is there a possibility to change all text in french or any other language ? I mean : "Read more"; "Submit" button for example
Hi everyone, I've got the same problem. My site is written in Spanish, how to make the buttons appear in that language. For example, I' ve found and translated messages in "blog.php" but once uploaded to "wp-content/themes/andrinatheme/" it doesn't seem to work. Any other idea? Thank you.
Hello, "Read more" and "Submit" buttons are images, You need to edit them through photoshop. Go to the Theme directory > images and open "index-read.png" , "submit.png" in the photoshop, edit them and save with the same name.
Hello, I need to change the language in the Contact Page to spanish: Nombre instead of Name Correo instead of E Mail Mensaje instead of Your message and also Requerido instead of This field is required Can you tell me how to do it? Thanks
@lore, *Go to template-contact.php present in your theme directory and follow the instruction as shown in image given below * Go to Js > jquery.validate.min.js present in your theme directory and follow the instruction as shown in image given below