two things: 1. How come I do not get the required fields in Safari but in Chrome I do? Every time a person presses the button I get a notification. see screenprint. 2. When you filled in the form the background of the text doesn't show? It's weird!! Plus.. where do I translate this 'message succesfully send' text? see screenprint. Hope to hear soon as I have a deadline. gr. Bart
And... an you tell me how to translate 'read more' on homepage And every other page.. plus.. How can I translate 'previous posts' ?? Where can I find al these texts to adjust them?
Hello, Safari validation: We are looking to this issue and will reply you soon. For after submit background. Paste this code in Custom CSS Appearance > Theme Option > Styling Option > Custom CSS Code: .caption { background: #fff; } .sucess-send h2 { color: #070707; } For translation. Go to the Theme directory > Functions > define_template And translate text from there. Check image for reference. Thanks & Regards Nitesh Raghuwanshi
I hope you can have a fix for the safari error without changing a lot... When do you think you have this? And... can you tell me where to where do I translate this 'message succesfully send' text? see screenprint in first question. TY.
Hello, Safari issue fixed. Please download theme from your members area. And upload it. Thanks & Regards Nitesh Raghuwanshi