The leads capture results page is showing a bunch of columns I'm not using. I want to eliminate those columns so the table is easier to read. Please tell me how to format the Leads Capture Table of results from within my WordPress Dashboard. (I'm not referring to the .cvs that is downloaded as I do not want to have to download the data every time I review the leads.). Thanks. Patsy
Hello, Could you please explain your problem with the help of screenshot, what you want to do. So that we will provide code for that. Thanks & Regards Gourav Shrivastava
I'm only referring to the leads capture report page. This is what I see: Leads Capture Below are the messages received from your Visitors including their contacts details. NameEmailNumberMessageLabel5Label6Label3Label4Label5Label6DateAction Most of the columns are not needed. I can't seem to get rid of "Labe5", "Label6", etc.
Hello, For this download file attached and replace it with your existing "theme-page.php" file File location blackridertheme\functions\leads_form\themes-page.php Thanks & Regards Nitesh Raghuwanshi
Hello, No, It does not change any thing else except the format of lead capture admin panel. Thanks & Regards Gourav Shrivastava