As a follow-up to the original threrad... should I create an author profile for a customer with me keeping the password (for contact box content forwarding only), would by any chance that said customer be able to track down the username, reset the password and have acesse to my dashboard? Is it ok to have a profile for that effect, and have the customer create yet another profile for personal use? Thanks! Henrique
Hello Henrique, Sorry but i am not getting exactly what you want to achieve. Please explain it little more. Thanks & Regards Nitesh Raghuwanshi
Hello Nitesh, My question derives from my original thread (Leads), in which I asked you how to make the "contact me" box content available to the add owner (customer), since I had decided not to allow customers to publish by themserlves. Hence my quuestion: "should I create an author profile for a customer with me keeping the password (for contact box content forwarding only), would by any chance that said customer be able to track down the username, reset the password and have acesse to my dashboard? Is it ok to have a profile for that effect, and have the customer create yet another profile for personal use?"
Hello Henrique, The only possibility is Register with the user mail id. After registration theme send login page link, Username and Password at the mail id through which you have registered. In this way user get there username and password and can access there account. Thanks & Regards Nitesh Raghuwanshi
Thanks! So a customer with an author account would only be able to edit his own add page and personal profile (the whole of the admin area would be off limits), right?
New user will be "Contributor". With a permission to submit listing, edit own listing and own profile. Thanks & Regards Nitesh Raghuwanshi
But using "Contributor" status won't allow the leads to be forwarded to the customer / contributor, right? Would it be ok if I register the customer as an author, associate the add with his account, and then downgrade the account to a "contributor" status? Thanks! Henrique
Hello Henrique, Forwarding leads totally depends on you. There is a check box option available in the users area to send notification. Please check image attached. Thanks & Regards Nitesh Raghuwanshi
Ok, thanks. But thing is I didn't want customers to submit content, as I had mentioned in the previous thread: I realized that you can change the author of a given add at the bottom of the configurations page and also that the author will receive the leads' contents in the respective account's e-mail. I would like to know if it's safe to create an add and give autrhor status to the customer so that he may receive the leads directly. Thanks!
Thank you for your answer, Pramod. Well, I have created a dummy account to see what an author can see in the backoffice. I would like for an author to be able to write, edit and delete posts. But only that, without it being able to acess the comments section or any other. Is it possible to do that editing the author role so that the author can receive leads and access the backoffice solely as an article writer? Thanks, Henrique
Hello, If it is not fix then please try some plugins also available in . I hope you can fix it and make it look perfect. Thanks & Regards Pramod