The optional link in the top menu (very top of page); Where php file can I modify so when user clicks link it opens in a new page? Also, same thing with Services circles, I'd like when use clicks on one of the for circles for it to open in new page. Also, same thing with recent blog sections, i'd like when user clicks for blog to open in new page. Thanks guys!
Hi again, Hope this helps out... I don't know if you've had any luck resolving this but I found a similar post for traffica at link: so after lookin over the front-page.php I was able to make the services open in a new page by adding the TARGET="_blank" just before the href... this is the code that I changed to have services open in a new page: <li class="page_item"><a class='scrollSmint' id="services" target="_blank" href="#"><?php echo inkthemes_get_option('inkthemes_our_services_heading'); ?>