Greetings, My site is an information resource guide with a lot of content. My menu is starting to behave erratically when I add new items to it. It starts losing the last item added and also all formatting--appearing as just text across the screen--and the Menu Settings boxes at the bottom become unchecked on their own. When I go back and check them, and rename the menu Main Menu, then the links I've added disappear. Is there a size limit in terms of number of items and subitems which can be supported by the Main Menu in Elite Pro? I plan to add even more submenus, and I'm worried! Others have encountered a similar problem with other themes:; I think I have about 90 items. Is increasing/adding max_input_vars = 2000 in the php.ini file as is recommended in WordPress support adviseable, or is there a better solution? Also referenced in this article: Thanks, Emily
Hello Emily, Please provide us your website url as well as the screenshot where you facing the problem. Thanks & Regards Yogesh Bhade
This problem is resolved. For everyone's information, there is a limit to how many menu (and sub menu) items can be added to any WordPress theme! Once you hit 80 it becomes unstable--but it depends on the theme. This limit may also interfere with the installation of mega menu plugins. When you install it, it may clobber your existing menu and cause items to disappear. The solution is increasing max_input_vars to 2000 -- I use a hosting service (GoDaddy) and couldn't find my php.ini file, which is where that directive is normally placed. Ultimately, since it is a shared server, I followed their advice and created a .user.ini file with max_input_vars = 2000 in it, and FTP'd that to my home directory. That worked.