Migration from localhost to server.

Discussion in 'General InkThemes Discussion and Feedback' started by anylee, Mar 2, 2014.

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  1. anylee

    anylee Guest

    May 31, 2013
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    Hi Please can you tell me what I'm missing!

    I'm developing a site and started using MAMP on my laptop - I've done this before and had no problems! I can upload the development site and upload and update the database, edit the wp config and get the site working but none of the homepage settings were transferred and I had to spend an hour or so re-doing these.

    The site is now on a development URL being worked on by me and the customer. I'm going to have to move it again later on this week to the destination url.

    Where are the homepage settings stored and how do I transfer them and retain them with the rest of the site? I'm using butterbelly which is a brilliant design and really suits the niche.

    I know how to transfer wp between servers Its just the homepage settings and content that I'm missing.

    Is there a recommended plugin which will work - I've tried the obvious ones wp migrate etc and no joy.

  2. sagesage

    sagesage New Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Do the versions of PHP match?

    Hostgator are notoriously bad for never being consistent in their servers, so that could be worth checking.

    You can either check by using phpMyAdmin from the cpanel or add the following function to a php file on the remote host:

    <?php phpinfo() ?>

    Just put that single line of code in a PHP file, and run it on your server. That's it! By running the file you should have all of the PHP information you need.

    Remember to remove the line after - it can also help malicious people.
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