Oh gash darn... I just encountered a big issue with GeoCraft that I certainly hadn't expected. About to launch a site and was asked if we can have a monthly payment for being a featured listing and, as I shockingly discovered, NO. Why do the Home Page Featured option and Category Featured option only a one-off payment rather than a monthly amount like the listing? An alternative would be to have a separate Premium Listing level - that was priced to allow for being a Featured Listing, but that's not available as an option either... What can I do? Martin
Yes, but only one Package with Recurring payments. I need the Featured on Category and Featured on Home to also be a monthly payment.
What is needed is the ability to either have Featured Listings (featured on home, category and/or both) to be included in the monthly fee (recurring payment) or the ability to create different packages that include the featured option(s). As it is it is very restrictive and why the featured options are a one-off payment is beyond me...
There is an option to select featured on home or category plus go monthly recurring or single yearly payment recurring when setting up your pricing options. That is the way it was designed and described and the way it is when agreeing to purchase, it works well but it is impossible to have everything for all variations or requests, rather have fewer options and still keep reliability, too many variations give more chances of problems. The theme is still way better than most out there if its what you want. and has come a long way since release over a year ago and it just works, thanks to a great support team. Tob
Agree with both sides here - and it makes sense to have monthly payments for featured - otherwise we need to either charge one big fee for an indefinite time period (which may out people off) or keep fee low (which means we miss out on good income opportunity... There must be a way of setting this up for monthly payments...or limiting time for posts featured on the HOME/CAT sliders... Support?