A few questions: Can you change the fonts/size on the text? You sent Bonus apps for background and photos. How do I upload those into wordpress? Do you have a social icon for Linked In? Can you make the "Facebook" and "Twitter" icons bigger, move them around, and change their colour? Right now they are almost invisible.
1) Please specify about which text you are talking, We will provide you easy css for that. 2) You can upload them in the Wp media library through your pc and then use them for your site. 3) Currently Linked In is not available with the them. You have to add it manually Open footer.php file and add code given below Code: <li><a href="your link address" title="Linked In"> <img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/you image address" alt="Linked In" /></a></li> 4) Paste this code in Custom CSS Appearance > Theme Option > Styling Option > Custom CSS Code: .social_logos li a img { width:25px; }