payment and package qustion

Discussion in 'GeoCraft WordPress Theme' started by carymenard, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. carymenard

    carymenard Guest

    Jun 3, 2014
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    I have some questions about setting up the packages and pricing

    1. I want to set the price to 19.95 but it keeps changing it to 20 when i save. How can I make this happen?
    2. Is there a way to add Tax?
    3. I have set all 3 settings to deactivate the featured listing check box option but it is still showing up. What could be causing this? how can I make it not show?
    4. even though I have entered the paypal email and pricing info, when i check one of the paid package options it does not change the total amount at the bottom and won't go to payment processing just skips to your submission was successful. And it is showing as a free listing... please help.

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