I can post an ad from scratch and it automatically publishes. That is great. Now if I go edit an ad, I cannot automatically publish. This makes no sense. Why is it that I can auto-publish a brand new ad, but not an edited ad?
Do you know how to even review the ads? They told me theres a section for it under classified and there is nothing their. Inkthemes support is so aweful that I have to resort to asking another member.
It's ok I don't mind helping. My guess is that they don't have enough resources to handle all the themes and the bugs in them. It just sucks that we paid good money for a theme that has too many bugs. To publish a pending ad, go into your wordpress admin and click on "Classified" on the left. Then click the link to your pending ad in the list of classifieds. You should then see something similar to this on the right side of the page: Hope that helps.
Hi, please tell me where the query is located that updates the post_status field in the database when an ad is edited. If this is set to "publish", then the edited ad should automatically be published.
This was a SIMPLE fix. I can't imagine why you guys at Classicraft couldn't divulge the solution. If anyone else is looking for this, here is the fix. 1. Go to wp-content/themes/classicrafttheme/library/control/admin_settings/edit_ad.php 2. At the very beginning of the file, you will see: $post_status = "pending"; Change this to $post_status = "publish"; 3. Save file and voila! Now when you edit an ad, it will automatically be published.