Hi, I'm having problems on adding an html code (badge) on my site. I should see a button, but I can only see the text/link. http://altovalleparapente.com.ar/boton-de-pago/ Is it possible to be caused by an issue related to the theme? I've also tried to solve the problem with a plugin (Code Insert Manager) but it didn't solved it. Can you help me? Thanks!! Julieta
Hello, Will you please provide a screenshot of the section because i am not getting exactly what you want to do and which page. Thanks & Regards Pramod
Hi, Sure! I added the following code on a page: <a href="https://www.mercadopago.com/mla/checkout/pay?pref_id=80704989-323246fb-067b-43e2-96ae-b60069e80220" name="MP-payButton" class="blue-l-rn-ar">Pagar</a> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(){function $MPBR_load(){window.$MPBR_loaded !== true && (function(){var s = document.createElement("script");s.type = "text/javascript";s.async = true;s.src = ("https:"==document.location.protocol?"https://www.mercadopago.com/org-img/jsapi/mptools/buttons/":"http://mp-tools.mlstatic.com/buttons/")+"render.js";var x = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];x.parentNode.insertBefore(s, x);window.$MPBR_loaded = true;})();}window.$MPBR_loaded !== true ? (window.attachEvent ?window.attachEvent('onload', $MPBR_load) : window.addEventListener('load', $MPBR_load, false)) : null;})(); </script> Here attached you'll find a screenshot of: -the WP editor -the button preview, as it should look like -the button as I can actually see it on my page (only text, the link is working) I hope you can help me. Thanks Julieta
Hello, You have to put this code in widget area. http://www.beatthegmat.com/mba/blogs/add-badge-to-wordpress-blog Thanks & Regards Pramod
Hey, Thanks for your input. I don't want it in the widget area. I want it in a page. How can I do? Best, Julieta
Hello, http://www.bubbleindia.com/javascript-in-wordpress-posts-or-pages/ http://bornvirtual.com/wordpress/add-javascript-wordpress/ This will resolve your issue. Thanks Pramod