Hi when i am logged out and go to a video page the product name and billing terms do not appear. they do, however, appear when i am logged in as admin. I need it to appear when logged out as new visitors will need to see this information before purchasing. below is the code I am using in im-core.php: (I've also uploaded the im-core.php file) if ($ke['billing_option'] == 'recurring') { $period = im_payment_period($ke['payment_period'], $ke['payment_period_cycle']); $second_period = im_payment_period($ke['trial_period'], $ke['trial_period_cycle']); if ($ke['billing_option'] == 'recurring') { $billing_terms = "<b>Billing Terms</b>:<br/> $ {$ke['product_price']} {$ke['currency']} for {$ke['payment_period']} $period"; } else { $billing_terms = ''; } if ($ke['no_of_payment'] > 0) { $installment = ", for $ {$ke['no_of_payment']} Installments"; } else { $installment = ''; } $second_billing_terms = ", Then $ {$ke['trial_price']} {$ke['currency']} for each {$ke['trial_period']} $second_period $installment <br><em>Your membership will automatically renew after 365 days.<br/> If you wish to cancel anytime before the renewal date simply go to your PayPal account and cancel the recurring payment option.<br/> Hey, I Saw Your Commercial! Online University does not offer refunds for its online service. Any and all payments cannot be transferred, held, cancelled, or rolled over. <b>All payments are final.</b></em><br/><br/>"; } $str = "<br/><b>{$ke['product_name']}</b><br/><br/>"; //$str = "Product Name: {$ke['product_name']}<br/>"; $str .= $subscription_price; if ($ke['billing_option'] == 'recurring') { $str .= $billing_terms . $second_billing_terms; } $form = im_paypal_getway_process($order); } echo '<div id="im_pricing">' . $form . $str . '</div>'; if (isset($_REQUEST['redirect_paypal']) && $_REQUEST['redirect_paypal'] == 'true') { echo '<script>setTimeout("document.frm_payment_method.submit()",02);</script>'; } } } } else { im_autho_form('none', 'im_log_form'); print '<p><a id="im_log_pop" href="' . IM_LOGING_PAGE . '&redirect_to=' . get_permalink() . '"><img src="' . IM_PLUGIN_PATH . 'images/pp-order-button.png"/></a></p>'; } }