I would like to choose which 'Related Listings' are listed - ideally I'd like to list 'Businesses Nearby' chosen by vicinity - is this possible? Would it have to be custom coded?
Hi merryandrew, We fails to understand your issue. Please elaborate your issue a little bit more and also provide us some edited screenshot. Thanks, Praveen
Hi Praveen. As I understand it the 'related listings' chooses listings from similar categories. I would like to control this selection. Ideally I'd like to be able to have listings that are geographically closest to the current listing - as I can see when I do a location search. For example: http://www.pubs.com/search/?sfrom&location=reigate Failing that, is there a way I can choose the nearest 3 pubs and paste them into the 'related listings' area? Basically I want to provide visitors with alternative listings nearby to the one they are looking at - if I could do it automatically that would be better than having to hand-code it. Hope that all makes sense. Thanks
Hi merryandrew,I have understood ,but unfortunately this is not possible at present. Thanks and Regards Pramod Patel