Hi, Is there a way to reposition the way it list the labels? Currently it's all over the place... Thanks, Terence
Go to Appearance > Custom Leads Form and edit the fields and re-position it. Also you should delete all the fields and recreate it in order that you want.
Hi Gourav, Is there a way to reset the form to the original? Currently, when I add a text form, it displays as bottom up. Once I add a text area, in appears below all my text fields. It's very confusing. Hope you get what I mean? Thanks
Please provide the following information listed below. Thread Link: Your Website URL: WordPress Username: WordPress Password: Send this information on our email at [email protected] And also explain your issue with the help of the screenshot what you want to do with your lead-capture form also indicate in which order do you want to show your fields, We will do that for you.