Sections and Icon

Discussion in 'Forum Rules' started by evelopgroup, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. evelopgroup

    evelopgroup New Member

    Apr 6, 2015
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    Hello, I try to find 2 things on the forum but could not. My page is

    1. I am trying to add an additional section similar to the feature section to the home page (Services, Blog, Contact). How can I do it?

    2. On some of my additional page I have 2 youtube logos but on the main page it only has one. How can I remove the second youtube link?

    Please respond asap.

  2. sameerwalkar

    sameerwalkar Guest


    #1. If you wish to add an additional section similar to the feature section to the home page then it is possible but it requires source code customization. If you wish to do then let me know what section do you wish to create so that I can assist you accordingly.

    #2. To remove the youtube icon from other pages follow the steps mentioned in the steps below:


    Hope it will solve your query.

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