Hi there, I am using Yoast WordPress SEO instead of the Bizway theme's SEO settings, as I do on all my sites. Now in the browser tab SEO info the theme shows my sitename 'Dirkje Evers' immediately - without a space - after the SEO title, even though in Yoast I have set it on %%title%% only. As I have imported the Yoast settings of my other sites and I also double checked it, this must be caused by the Bizway theme. I don't like it and want it to get away. You can see it yourself on my pages, for instance here: http://dirkjeevers.nl/ecover-design/ Can you please tell me how to get rid of the sitename in the SEO description and to let it show only the Yoast settings? Thanks and kind regards.
Download "All in One SEO Pack" plugin from WordPress.org http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/ This will solve your issue.
Okay, it worked, but also causes another problem. The All In One SEO pack doesn't display the excerpts on Facebook in the way I want it. And the Yoast plugin does. I already tried to fix this with additonal plugins, but it did not solve my problem. So... I want to go back to the Yoast WordPress SEO plugin and in order to show titles in the correct way, this means that I need to totally disable the SEO functionality of Bizway. Can you tell me how I can do this? Thanks and kind regards!
It did not solve the first mentioned problem. My SEO titles are still showing up silly. The home page SEO twice in a row and the other pages with the site name (which happens to be my name) directly attached to it, without a space in between. See my testsite: http://www.presenteerjezelfonline.nl/bizzy/
We have checked your website and you are still using Yoast WordPress SEO plugin, Please deactivate the plugin and use another SEO plugin for your website, This will solve your issue.