Hi staff, i was wondering if it's possible show a map with relative pinpoint in a result of a search or by categories or by top rated etc. Example: someone search restaurant in Rome, the result of the query is all the rastaurant listing in Rome plus in the same page a map with all the pinpoint of the listing in the report, going with the mouse over a pinpoint a snippet of the listing will be open and clicking on it will be open the listing I think that it' s very usefull for the users of a geo site so even if very difficult code this just think about. Thank you so much!
Hello, Unfortunately there isn't a way to do that with our theme unless you custom code something up. Sorry. Thanks & Regards Gourav Shrivastava
I had imagined that it was too difficult, i will look after some plugin, there is one that do this but i have to manually add every address. Thanks & Regards