Getting the following error: Warning: sizeof(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /......./wp-content/themes/geocrafttheme-v2/library/geocraft-functions.php on line 43
Hello, Warm Wishes From InkThemes, Will you please allow us to check your website dashboard for once? Kindly send the below-mentioned credential details at [email protected] along with the thread link. WordPress Website URL: - WordPress Username: - WordPress Password: - We will check the issue and let know the needful. Regards, Shemaela
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Hello, Warm Wishes From InkThemes, You are most Welcome! Let us know if you need further help, we will be happy to help you. And always feel free to ask your queries at our support forum: and at our email [email protected] Regards, Shemaela
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Hello, Warm Wishes From InkThemes, I would like to inform you that we have successfully received your support request at our Email. Our team members will contact you soon regarding the issue you have via Email itself. Kindly be patient until we contact you back, your patience will be highly appreciated. Regards, Shemaela