Hi. I don't know how to set the Social Icons Links correctly. http://supandatruck.com In the themes options I tried my facebook page url (supandatruck and tried facebook.com/supandatruck) and it sends me to http://supandatruck.com/supandatruck or http://supandatruck.com/facebook.com/supandatruck and shows up as a Page Error. What am I supposed to put in the theme options to make this work correctly? Thank you!
Hello, Firstly sign in to your Facebook account and then go to your profile page and after that copy its URL and use it for your Facebook link.
Gourav, I think there's a problem with the Social Options. the "#" are automatically inserting in the blank social media options and the facebook url (https://www.facebook.com/yourfacebookpagename) is being changed to https://yourfacebookpagename/facebook.com/yourfacebookpagename, which generates a 401 error. I tried going into the social options php page and changing the code, but somethings overwriting it to generate a subdomain behavior.
That behavior only seems to occur on the homepage social icons. The internal pages seem to be behaving correctly.