Is there any way to embed a javascript based animation player on one individual page? I have the code provided by the company the software was purchased from. There is code that needs to go In the <head> section and then the rest needs to go In the <body>. Do I need to modify the template or is there an easier solution, such as a plug-in? Thanks!
Last Note... Here is the code (with some slight intentional discrepancies: --In the <head>-- <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> --In the <body>-- <div id="tdeonline">In order to view the content, you must install the Adobe Flash Player. Please click <a href="">here</a> to get started.</div> <script type="text/javascript"> var so=new SWFObject("","tdeyeonlineswf","402","400","8","#FFFFFF"); so.addParam("wmode", "transparent"); so.addVariable("aID","19aa7ea56ebc312a3e"); so.write("tdeonline"); </script> It is an interactive player. Thanks!