Hey, I wrote not long ago about an issue in IE on the checkout page. I never got a response, but I thought I had fixed it. As it turns out, it isn't fixed, the dropdown state is always open and won't close for the states. AND WooCommerce took out plus minus support and you now have to add a plugin. When I took Woo back down to version 2.2, both of these issues were remedied. So, I still need help with the state issue in IE checkout AND need to write a little css to fix the plugin plus minus, it's a little off. Let me know if I can give you more information. Thanks!
And it seems the IE issue is resolved! YAY. This is the plugin I am using for the plus/minus buttons: https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-quantity-increment/
This is the css I added .single_add_to_cart_button{ margin-left:0px !important; height: 39px !important; padding: 1px !important; } .quantity .input-text.qty { margin-left: 42px !important; } Happy Friday!