Hello, I'm having a problem with the theme. When I try to add any code, for example: - A script from Google Adsense - An iframe Facebook Like Box (using the text widget) - A Google Maps iframe within a page He simply does not work and displays the contents.
Hi gustavocave Use this code in your custom css. Code: .textwidget iframe { width: 100%; } This will solve your issue. Thanks PankajK
Hi PankajK, It did not work. Besides the text widget, the iframe does not work on pages and posts as well. Greats, Gustavo.
Hello, Sorry but i am not getting exactly what you want to achieve. Please explain it little more and provide us screenshots where you want to put code as well as provide code that you want to put. And also provide the following information listed below. Thread Link: Your Website URL: WordPress Username: WordPress Password: Send this information on our email at [email protected] Thanks & Regards Pramod Patel
Hello, You didn't provide the code. Please specify the location for map, AdSense and Facebook where you want to show them and also provide code. Without code how can we do . Thanks & Regards Pramod
Hello, okay, I'll send the codes: Text widget does not work the LikeBox: <iframe src="//www.facebook.com/plugins/likebox.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FOfertasBlackRiver&width=225&height=258&colorscheme=light&show_faces=true&header=false&stream=false&show_border=false&appId=686691734726686" scrolling = "no" frameborder = "0" style = "border: none; overflow: hidden; width: 225px; height: 258px;" allowtransparency = "true"> </ iframe> In the body of the post does not work google maps: <iframe src="https://maps.google.com.br/maps?f=q...n=0.182926,0.338173&z=12&output=embed" width = "100%" height = "350" frameborder = "0" marginwidth = "0" marginheight = "0" scrolling = "no"> </ iframe> The link, username and password to access my site, I have already sent via email.
by chance you are testing something? unbeknownst to me, appeared a google map in the footer of my site.
Hello, Your code does not work, Please generate again code for all. I generate a code and use it in widget area, it works perfectly. All code should be generated again. Thanks & Regards Pramod
I redid the codes did not work .... I tried to insert a google maps on a POST and try to insert a widget in BOX LIKE
See for yourself in the last footer widget, have an iframe BOX LIKE a code and it does not work. always used the same codes BOX LIKE and Google Maps and always worked, only I'm having this issue dificulades.
Hello, Yes Facebook code is not working. We will reply you soon regarding to this issue. Thanks & Regards Pramod
I managed to make Google Maps work. Thank you. Now we need the iframe FACEBOOK LIKE BOX work. Any news let me know.
Hello Gustavocave, We have fixed FACEBOOK LIKE BOX issue, you can check. Thanks & Regards Yogesh Bhade
Hello, It just because of code confliction which is solved by technical team. Thanks & Regards Pramod