I have resized and moved the top feature slider to the left and changed it to a video. I would like to add a separate image to the right of this, in the empty space. Please see http://livingwithaspergers.co.uk/lwa/ Please can you advise of the code to add an image to the right of the slider/video.
Hello, Could you please provide the following information listed below. Thread Link: http://www.inkthemes.com/community/threads/top-feature-slider.11241/ Your Website URL: WordPress Username: WordPress Password: Image URL link ( that you want to display behind the slider ): Send this information on our email at [email protected] . We will check and try to resolve your issue.
Hello, Go to the Appearance > Theme Options > Top Feature Settings > Top Feature Description section in your dashboard and follow the instruction shown in the image given below. This will solve your issue.