trouble formatting footer

Discussion in 'ColorWay WordPress Theme' started by jaimeeriepro, May 24, 2015.

  1. jaimeeriepro

    jaimeeriepro New Member

    May 24, 2015
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    There are two footers; a light color on top and a dark color on bottom. When I try to add a search widget through Appearance > Widgets > First (second, third or fourth) Footer Widget Area, the search widget is added to the top lighter colored footer. How do I add it to the bottom (darker) footer?

    I also tried to make changes in the bottom (darker) footer area through Appearance > Theme Options > Footer Settings. There I added two social media buttons and some copyright text. But all of that information is squeezed into the right side of the footer. Site is here:

    I want to center all of that text (and add some more) across the full width of the bottom (darker) footer. How do I achieve this? Also, there is a dash at the far left side of this footer. I don't know where it came from. Can you help me to eliminate that and format the bottom footer as described above? Thanks.

    UPDATE: I was able to make some of the changes I wanted by creating a duplicate of the footer.php file and placing it in my child theme folder, then making edits. Probably not the best way to fix this (I basically got rid of the <ul> get_bloginfo and the div for class="right_navi" thereby spreading all the footer content into the "navigation" div). I would still like to add the search widget to this area if possible, and possible a small logo or other text. Thanks.

    UPDATE 2: I notice also that the footer copyright text disappears on a mobile device, while the social media icons do not.
  2. sameerwalkar

    sameerwalkar Guest


    I visited your site URL but, tried to open it, but it's not opening.

    Kindly recheck at your end and let me know so that I can assist you accordingly.

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