I ran a test run to see what happens when a listing expires...I'm glad to see it gets removed from front end and an email is sent to account holder..not so glad to see that another and another email and another email is continuously sent. Anyone else having this issue? I'm now up to 150+ emails that the system continues to send. I have gone in as admin (which happens to also be the account I created the listing with) and updated the draft listing to a pro listing....emails are still rolling in though. The link in email to website is bad link, and their are spelling/grammatical mistakes in the email text itself. Is there somewhere to edit the upgrade email? From the dashboard, looking under Expired listings, when I click edit I am redirected to website home page, when I click view or the title it shows the listing as front end view, there is no direct way to upgrade from frontend, and I have yet to try clicking delete as 1. i don't want to delete and have to recreate the listing, and 2. I don't want a sustained error message as I read was happening to someone else just recently. PLEASE HELP ASAP....thank you.
Tell me how you ran your test i.e. how did you manage to get an expired listing as Mine won't expire!
If you are using any older version of the theme, consider upgrading and your issue would be resolved automatically. To update, Download the latest theme zip from the members area and replace the existing "geocrafttheme" directory from wp-content/themes to the newer directory in the downloaded zip.
I am using a version I downloaded just a couple days ago...was it upgraded since then? Can you tell me any specific files I can replace, rather than the whole directory..as that would also then replace all customizations I've made. Mostly on graphics and some on code within single-listing.php (just removed reviews tab and posting date from Articles Details. I also made two text changes to front_end_path.php . If I replace the directory folder will I also then need to redo all my customization settings and create all my business listings again?
I didn't do anything special...just created a free listing with a 1 day expiration. I'm wondering where it reads the time from, because I changed the date and time of post publication to try and advance the testing process...but I still had to wait a full 24 hours to see results...so, it's definitely not reading it from post publishing time.