Use a image only for the header.

Discussion in 'Local Business WordPress Theme' started by busybeemedia, Jul 24, 2013.

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  1. busybeemedia

    busybeemedia Guest

    Jul 24, 2013
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    I have tried the other threads that said to add info to the custom css and like everyone else it did not work. Can you please review this code and make sure this is what is suppose to be placed there?

    background-image:url('') ! important;

    Just has a white blank area. We just want to use an image as the header instead of trying to fix all the other text layout issues within the header.

    Thank you for the help.

    Also, where do I update everything on the bottom of the page (i.e. shortly about us, contact us & our location)? Thanks for helping with both of these issues.
  2. Gourav

    Gourav Support Staff

    Oct 19, 2012
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    1.For your first issue

    Paste this code in Custom CSS
    Appearance > Theme Option > Styling Option > Custom CSS

    .header {
    background: url('') ! important;
    2.For your second issue

    You are talking about footer widget area, Go to the
    Appearance > Widgets
    Drag widgets and drop them in the first, second and third widget area, It will automatically display at your footer.

    Check link for reference
  3. busybeemedia

    busybeemedia Guest

    Jul 24, 2013
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    I have done that and it still shows white. When I view source I see it pulling like: .header {
    background-image:url(\'\') ! important;
    } I am assuming those slashes in front and back shouldn't be there.

    Is there a way to remove everything in the header within the source and just have the background? I can go into the header.php if need be, I just need to know what to remove and put in its place so the site doesn't break.

    Thanks for the help :)
  4. busybeemedia

    busybeemedia Guest

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Nevermind. I just removed:

    <div class="logo">

    <a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>"><img src="<?php if (inkthemes_get_option('inkthemes_logo') != '') { ?><?php echo inkthemes_get_option('inkthemes_logo'); ?><?php } else { ?><?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/logo.png<?php } ?>" alt="<?php bloginfo('name'); ?>"/></a>

    <h6>Southern Oregon Electricians</h6>



    <div class="grid_10 omega">

    <div class="call">

    <div class="call-us">

    <?php if (inkthemes_get_option('inkthemes_topright') != '') { ?>

    <p> <?php echo stripslashes(inkthemes_get_option('inkthemes_topright')); ?></p>

    <br/><a class="btn" href="tel:<?php echo stripslashes(inkthemes_get_option('inkthemes_contact_number')); ?>">


    <?php }

    else { ?>

    <p>Call 24 Hours: 1.888.222.5847</p>


    <a class="btn" href="tel:5551234567"><span></span></a>

    <?php } ?>




    <div class="social_logo">

    <ul class="social_links">


    <?php if (inkthemes_get_option('inkthemes_twitter') != '') { ?>

    <a href="<?php echo inkthemes_get_option('inkthemes_twitter'); ?>" title="Twitter"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/twitter.png" alt="Twitter" /></a>


    <?php } ?>

    <?php if (inkthemes_get_option('inkthemes_facebook') != '') { ?>

    <li><a href="<?php echo inkthemes_get_option('inkthemes_facebook'); ?>" title="Facebook"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/facebook.png" alt="Facebook" /></a></li>

    <?php } ?>

    <?php if (inkthemes_get_option('inkthemes_google') != '') { ?>

    <li><a href="<?php echo inkthemes_get_option('inkthemes_google'); ?>" title="Google"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/google-plus.png" alt="Google Plus" /></a></li>

    <?php } ?>

    <?php if (inkthemes_get_option('inkthemes_linkdin') != '') { ?>

    <li><a href="<?php echo inkthemes_get_option('inkthemes_linkdin'); ?>" title="linkdin"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/linkdin.png" alt="linkdin" /></a></li>

    <?php } ?>

    <?php if (inkthemes_get_option('inkthemes_youtube') != '') { ?>

    <li><a href="<?php echo inkthemes_get_option('inkthemes_youtube'); ?>" title="youtube"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/youtube.png" alt="youtube" /></a></li>

    <?php } ?>

    <?php if (inkthemes_get_option('inkthemes_pinterest') != '') { ?>

    <li><a href="<?php echo inkthemes_get_option('inkthemes_pinterest'); ?>" title="pinterest"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/pinterest.png" alt="pinterest" /></a></li>

    <?php } ?>



    and added the img src tag with the header image and it seems to work.
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