Hi, so I am really really new to creating websites and I recently purchased the colorway theme (because i learned my lesson about using the free version without a child theme and updated = lost a lot of stuff) and I need help figuring out how to load the theme onto my web hosting site. I'm using network solutions which sucks because its not set up to be very user friendly. I can't switch host sites either because its a website for my boss. Any help would be great! I'm using the wordpress web hosting "pay more" option that network solutions offers and not the free install one. Please help! Thanks!
Please provide the following information listed below. Thread Link: Your Website URL: WordPress Username: WordPress Password: FTP Details: Send this information on our email at [email protected] We will try to upload theme for you.
Hi I managed to upload the theme to a bluehost site. Could you explain to me how to create a child-theme? I want to be able to save all of my settings. Thanks for your time!