Hi, I noted that the video file size limit is set to 2MB, when I was testing 'uploading the video' as a member. Users can either provide URLs from Youtube or other sites. And second option is to upload own video. I think your limit of 2MB applies to the second option of 'upload own video'. Is that correct? The solution that I need from you is - 1. Could you please update the file size to 50MB? 2. Where are the video files stored, when user uploads a file for review? 3. Where are the video files uploaded, when admin uploads the 'owm' video to the website? Thanks Vinod
Hello Vinod, Thanks for contacting us, I would like to tell you that this is not the theme issue. There may be limited size on the WordPress configuration. You can increase the size by following the this tutorial:https://www.inkthemes.com/community...load_max_filesize-directive-in-php-ini.22388/ Hope this helps...! Regards, Akbar InkThemes.com