It is not possible to put video in feature area, But you can put your video embed code in Testimonial Text. Go to Appearance > Theme Option > Home Page Bottom Settings > Testimonial Text. and put your embed code there.
Hi - I am trying to embed a code in the testimonial text section on the homepage. I am using the plug in Advance YouTube Embed Plugin- Embed Plus to generate the following code : [embedplusvideo height="359" width="590" standard="" vars="ytid=fqzjdYirjh8&width=590&height=359&start=703&stop=736&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=1&react=0&chapters=¬es=" id="ep9205" /]. The code works on standard pages, but when I input the code in the testimonial text box it just shows up as text on the homepage. Should I be using a different code, or different plug in to generate the code. Thank you
You are not using YouTube embed code, you are using generated code by plugin, Testimonial area will not supported that code, That area only support YouTube embed code.