Hello, Is there a formula that I can add in the post_view_count that will add views for a set amount of time ? Can I change the image and add more images for the social icons ?
Hello ! Please explain little bit more about your issue which help me to provide you better solution. Thanks & Regards Pramod Patel
I want to be able to automatically add views to videos. In the post_view_count field is there any value that I can put in to accomplish this?
Hello, The view count will automatically gets incremented as soon as a user view a video. "post_view_count" option will act like offset that at the time, if you want that view count should start with some particular view. Example say If you have a view count of 2 and you want that the views should start with 5 than you can simply put 5 in "post_view_count" option and the counting will start five onwords. Thanks & Regards, Sameer Khanwalkar
I am aware of that but is there a way I can automatically add 5 views every 10 minutes or something ?
Hi, I got your concern but as if now its not possible to do such changes. Let me know if you have further any queries. Thanks & Regards, Sameer Khanwalkar