Hello, I would like to have two version of a website: french and english; the plugin wpml seems to be perfect for that? Wich version do you recommend? Sincerely Yours, Dedieo62
Hello, WPML translator conflicting with the front-page of the theme, Therefore it is not possible to translate the theme front-page, Therefore we recommended the qTranslate plugin to translate the theme, it is easy to use and provide good result. Thanks & Regards Gourav Shrivastava
Hello Gourav, The plugin you advise, qTranslate is no longer maintained!?? The latest version of qTranslate is only compatible with version 3.8.3 of WordPress, while we are at version 3.9.1.... What about your other themes? Are they compatible with WPML or not? Do you know if Road Fighter is compatible with the module Polylang him, unlike qTranslate, is updated ? If not, it remains for me to publish two versions of this site, one for each language... Sincerely Yours, Dedieo62