When it comes to online shopping, the first eCommerce website that comes to our mind is Amazon. Not only for shopping purposes but also it is widely considered by retailers for selling their products online.
Amazon is highly integrated with programming and is definitely considered as an ideal website.
So, do you want to earn a great commission just by promoting numerous products via your own store which is affiliated with Amazon?
Then, Quick Online Shop WordPress Theme is the prefect solution for it.
Here, you will get a complete guide of using Quick Online Shop WordPress theme for building an Amazon affiliate store site quickly.
See how your Amazon Store website will look like here.
Introduction of Quick Online Shop WordPress Theme
Quick Online Shop is a powerful WordPress theme that allows you to quickly create fully featured Amazon affiliate store within an hour. The theme is integrated with the Affiliate plugin and the Woocommerce plugin. Since the theme is integrated with Woocommerce plugin you can also create eCommerce website with this theme.
The theme import all the selected item that you want to promote on autopilot. Just tap from 250+ millions of products and your site is ready.
How to Install Quick Online Shop Theme
Before moving forward just make sure WordPress is installed on your web server. Now download the theme from your member’s area.
STEP#1 – Go to WordPress dashboard
STEP#2 – Going onto Appearance tab, a new sidebar will appear. Then, Click on Themes tab and you will be redirected to the theme managing section.
STEP#3 – Then click on “Add New” option upload the quick online shop theme zip file, which you’ve downloaded. Then click on “Install Now”.
STEP#4 – Once the theme installed successfully, click on the “Activate” button and you’re all set with your new website layout.
STEP#5 – Now this theme needs 2 plugins to work properly i.e. Woocommerce plugin and Affiliate Shop plugin. Hence a notice will appear at the top of the dashboard. Click on “begin installing plugin”.
Now Install and Activate both the plugin.
Now after completion of Installation process move towards setup process.
WooCommerce Setup Wizard
As soon as you activate the plugin you will see a welcome message with a button “Run the Setup Wizard”. Click that button.
You will navigate to Woocommerce welcome window, and at the bottom, you will find button “Let’s Go” click that.
Which will take you to page setup window, click “Continue”. This will automatically create Shop, Account, Cart and Checkout page.
Moving forward you will find Store Locale setup – here you have to select the country where you store is based and the currency. And also choose the applicable unit and dimension for your products. Once you’re done hit “Continue” button at the bottom.
Now you will be redirected to Shipping and Tax setup page here you can select the option according to your requirement. If you will charging sales and shipping physical products you can check both.
This is optional and can be changed later. Plus this option is applicable if you wish to sell your own items along with Amazon products. Now click “Continue” and move forward.
Now coming to Payments page here you can select multiple payment modes that you want to offer your customer. Woocommerce can accept online and offline payment both. Just enter the required information and click Continue.
Again this option is useful if you sell your own items from your website. And if you want to create affiliate store only you can skip this setup.
Now you’re done, just click on Return to the WordPress Dashboard.
Amazon Account Setup
Now to move forward and to set up your store we need 3 things – secret key, access key and your affiliate id. You need these three things before the plugin can display Amazon products.
Now follow the following steps to get those three things.
Step#1 Getting your affiliate id
Sign up for your Amazon Affiliate/Partner account at one of the following URLs (choose the correct link based on your Amazon location):
Brazil (com.br): https://associados.amazon.com.br/signup
Canada (ca): https://associates.amazon.ca/signup
China (cn): https://associates.amazon.cn/gp/associates/apply/main.html
France (fr): https://partenaires.amazon.fr/signup
Germany (de): https://partnernet.amazon.de/gp/associates/apply/main.html
India (in): https://affiliate-program.amazon.in/signup
Italy (it): https://programma-affiliazione.amazon.it/signup
Japan (jp): http://affiliate.amazon.co.jp/gp/associates/apply/main.html
Spain (es): https://afiliados.amazon.es/gp/associates/apply/main.html
United Kingdom (co.uk): https://affiliate-program.amazon.co.uk/signup
United States (com): https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/gp/associates/apply/main.html
Amazon requires that you have a different affiliate ID for each country (aka, locale).
Step 2 – Getting your API Keys
Amazon requires ALL API users to have a different, secure set of keys to make API calls. Because of this, we cannot add any keys to the plug-in for you. You must sign up for your own set and put the into the plug-in options fields on the config page by yourself.
Start by creating a new user account. if you have an Amazon account set up from the previous step of getting your Affiliate ID, you can login using that information and skip to step 2e).
Step#2a – Sign In
Step#2b – For a New Account, Enter Your Name, Email Address and Password twice, then click create an account.
Step#2c – Enter all of the other required information and check the agreement box (remember to read it!). Then enter the captcha image text and complete the registration.
Step#2d – This is the success page. Click the MANAGE ACCOUNT link.
Step#2e – If you already had an account, you should have seen this page when you logged in. This is the main management account screen. Click the “Click Here” link under ACCESS IDENTIFIERS section to get the API keys.
Step#2f- You will be required to Log In when you go at access some information (as a security precaution from Amazon). This time be sure to select that you are returning user (already have an account) use your login information you just created or had previously.
Step#2g – This will take you to the Security Credentials Page. Note that if you have Keys for other AWS products, you may have to select the Product Advertising API from the list to access that page.
Also – note that this management page WILL change in the near future to the new Amazon IAM Management Console. They provide a link to the new console but eventually, you will need to access it from their IAM services login.
Scroll down the page to the Access Keys section and note the Amazon Access Key ID (sometimes referred to as Public Key). That is what you will put in the Amazon Access Key ID, so keep the link with you.
Click SHOW to see the Secret Access Key (sometimes referred to as Secret Key).
Step#2h- In the Secret Access Key box that shows, copy the key and keep it with you.
Step#2i – MISC Information
IF YOU DO use the new Amazon IAM Management Console, your Access Key ID will be located under the “Your Security Credentials” page. They will NOT show you your Secret Access Key here any longer. If you lose it, you MUST generate a new Root Key.
After you generate the Root Key, it will serve the browser with a CSV file that has both the Access Key ID and the Secret Access Key inside. In the very near future, they will not provide the Secret Key over the web page, you WILL have to download it if you generate the keys.
Well, you have all the three things with you, now move to your WordPress dashboard. On your left side of menu panel you will find the option AffiliateShop.
Goto AffiliateShop and click that. You’ll be redirected to plugin dashboard.
Now go to Configuration >> Amazon Config and here insert your keys and affiliate id. Once you entered all the details click “Check Amazon AWS Keys”.
If everything was setup properly you will receive a success message like shown below in the image. Click Ok.
Now move to Import Products >> Advanced Search.
Enter the keyword or the name of item you want to promote and hit “Search for Item”
Now the list of items will appears on the right side. You can uncheck the box for the product you don’t want to include and hit Import Products
Now just wait for a while, the system will import all the images and description. And if you purchased the theme Review Engine it will import product reviews as well.
You can insert different keywords and import the products just like the way we did above.
Now you have to move to your dashboard again.
Goto InkThemes option from the left side of menu Quick Online Shop option page will appear. Move to Home Product Page Settings. Select ON under Homepage Product Section, enter suitable heading and then the number of post you want to display on the homepage. This section will showcase the recently added product on the homepage.
And if you want to display products on homepage according to category you can do that as well. For that move to Appearance >> widgets, there you will find Product Slider Widget. Drag it and drop it on Homepage Product Section widget area. Enter the proper title, choose the category that you want to display and the number of products. Hit save button.
Now move to your site refresh it. This is how the product will appear on the homepage. First 2 rows is the list of recent product coming from theme dashboard panel.
The second section will show the products according to the selected category.
Note You can drag and drop multiple widget and different category to showcase multiple unique products on homepage.
Now moving further let’s setup the homepage of your website.
Goto dashboard-> Inkthemes, you will navigate to Theme Option Panel.
Now under “General Settings” you can set your own logo, favicon and background image. You can paste Google analytic or any other analytic code to track your website and then Save all the Changes.
Now coming down Tap to Call feature here you can enter your contact number and setup the button color. This button will appear on mobile, iPad or tablet view.
Slider Settings
In the slider, you can show maximum of 6 images whereas minimum would be one.
With each slider image you can set the heading and short description according to you.
Moreover, you can also give a link for slider images and its text.
Note: The optimal size for slider image is 1600px wide * 825px height.
You can activate slider on the home page just by click on Upload Image button and upload the images which you want to show in the slider.
Moreover, you can also set the slider speed (in milliseconds) according to you.
For e.g. If you want to set the slider speed as 5 seconds then enter 5000.
Homepage Feature Area
The homepage feature area consists of 3 feature sections. You can set feature image, feature circle image, feature heading, feature description and feature link in each of the section.
Note: – The optimal size for feature image is 354px wide * 172px height.
The optimal size for feature circle image is 143px wide * 143px height.
After finishing desire settings click on Save All Changes button.
Homepage Product Page Setting –
From here you can manage the default homepage product section. You can turn on/off the section as per your requirement plus provide the proper and attractive heading for it. You can also control the number product that can to be shown.
Homepage Banner Setting –
In this section, you can upload offer, advertisement or any kind of banner. You can set the navigation link and text as well.
Bottom Feature Area
The home page bottom feature consists of following sections- homepage service feature, homepage tab feature, homepage blog feature.
In home page service feature you can set an appropriate heading and short description of it.
There are 4 home page tab feature, there you can show your services with suitable heading and description. In home page blog feature you can show your blog post. Moreover, you can set how many numbers of posts you want to display on the home page.
Contact Page Settings
You can show the map location of your business on the website by pasting the iframe code generated by Google map in this section. You can also put captcha code in your contact form and to do that visit the link- http://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create to create your private key and public key and insert it in their respective input fields. Check the option On, as by default it is off.
Styling Option
There are various styling options available in the theme. You can change the style of theme by selecting the one you like. Moreover, you can also add your own CSS code here for any HTML and CSS customization.
Social Icon
There are various social icons available in the theme. The social icons will be displayed in the footer just enter the URL of your profile.
Footer Settings
The Footer Section allows you to edit the copyright information in the footer area. You can set the text of your choice that will be displayed in the footer.
SEO Options
Through this section, you can optimize your website and provide search engines with additional information about topics that appear on your site.
Blog Page And Posts
Now let’s create a separate page that shows all your blog posts in one go. To do so just follow the below mention steps…
- Go to Pages > Add New
- Enter the name of the page
- Now at right-hand side under Page Attributes > Templates > select “Blog Page”
- Click “Publish” button
Menu Setup
By default, the menus will fallback to Pages. That means just after activation of the theme, you will see all the pages as menus. Create a custom Menu and assign a menu location to display your own Menu. If you want selective menus with a combination of links, pages, categories then custom menu is what you should be looking for.
Set up Custom Menu
- Go to Appearance > Menus in the WordPress menu
- Click on Create a new menu link
- Now add the menu item, you can choose Pages, Custom links, Category etc.
- Check Theme Location
- Click Save Menu after adding required custom links in the menu
- Theme Location for Menu settings
Main Menu – Display the menu on the Header.
Footer Menu – Displays the menu on the bottom right at the footer.
Get your Amazon Affiliated website ready in minutes with our Free QuickOnlineShop WordPress Theme