K-Loans – PHP Script For Loan Management helps you to create a powerful loan system. Also, it comes with a mortgage calculator, collateral tab, loan attachments and payment receipt printing.
Also, this script can be integrated with websites on the following niches:
- Mortgage Companies
- Commercial Lenders
- Credit Unions
- Municipalities
- Institutions
- Student Loans
- Real-estate Loans etc
Main Features Of Loan Management PHP Script
- Design Email Templates
- Borrowers Management
- Update Loan Types
- My Wallet Records
- View Missed Payments
- Alerts And Notifications
- Social Media API Key
- MyMail Mailbox System
- Change Company Settings
Make The Best Financial Decisions
This loan serving software completes every task from loan origination to debt collection. Some of the advanced features of loan management PHP script are listed below:
- Plugin Manager: This plugin helps to manage all your plugins on the script. Also, download all the plugins from the list of the XML file.
- Mortgage Calculator: Automatically calculate the interest rate of monthly payments and also the finance amount.
- UI Login Screen: The login screen page comes with a user interface(UI) friendly.
- Email Template: In this script, you can create a pre-formed email for time utilization.
- Payment Schedule: Users can schedule their monthly payments. So, they never lap their EMI.
- Collateral Tab In Loan Module: There is a dedicated form for filling all collateral details. So, you can add the estimated price and attach proof of ownership.
- Loan Attachments: You can upload a document file for a list of documents which are needed for opening a loan account.
- Payment Printing Option: Users can easily print their monthly payments, for future records.
Online-lending Process Automation
- My Wallet is like a virtual passbook. You can enter the amount, description of the transaction and specify debit/credit etc.
- MyMail lets you send personalized messages to your borrowers. It has a complete email setup with dedicated inbox and outbox categories.
- Missed Payments allows you to know about the unpaid amount, along with customer and agent’s name, date of sanction and next payment date.
- Manage Employees efficiently with their photos, addresses and give them access for employee login too.
Borrower Management
- Enter borrower’s personal information like photo and address
- Attach related documents in jpg, gif, png, xls, xlsx, csv, doc, docx, pdf files
- Enter borrower’s financial information like occupation, income
- Easily view the complete list of borrower’s by their name and email ID
- Can check borrower’s debt balance instantly
The Lending Lifecycle
- Client Details: Enter the borrowers’ name, account number, agent and other necessary details. Moreover, you can also update the status of the loan as pending or approved.
- Sanction Of Loan:
-Add new loan application
-Search the types of loans fast
-Automatically determines matured and overdue debts
-Generate payment schedule and disclosure
-Support multiple loans for one borrower
- Track Payment And Follow Up: You can easily collect payment, calculate interest, and track the transactions using the loan management PHP script.
Credentials for demo login are:
username- admin
password- admin123
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