Rats are the small species that needs to be put in a cage in order to keep them protected, a solid cage keeps them protected and secured, the people who wants to keep their tamed rats and mice protected needs a cage.
And the cage providers from all over the world can exhibit themselves on the web through a wonderful theme called as Mice Cage WordPress Theme.
Mice Cage WordPress Theme
The template is crafted for general stores, mice cage sellers, mice cage retailers, supermarket owners and others from the same field of business can be benefitted from the theme.
The skin has some great features which include sliders and many other features that will help to uplift your mice cage selling business.
WooCommerce :-
The template has a WooCommerce plugin where all the products that you want to sell can be exhibited on the theme, the feature allows you to sell the products that are made by you.
The customers can add them to cart and checkout through the integrated PayPal gateway system. Once the payment is done the order is considered to be finalized.
Attractive features of the theme :-
- Boxed slider :- The theme has a boxed slider where the images of the rat cages can be demonstrated which can help to upgrade the business of the user.
- 4 column feature area :- The features of the cages and the business that you provide can be showcased to the customers.
- Tagline section :- Share punchlines and captions that can help the customers to get a better idea of the business.
- Product section :- A subsidiary of the WooCommerce which can help the customers directly choose the cages from the section and eventually help the user increase the product sale.
- Ad banner section :- The template has a ad banner section where all the posters and the advertisements that are related to the mice cage business can be projected.
Features Of The Gerbil Cage WordPress Theme :-
- Boxed slider.
- WooCommerce integrated.
- PayPal gateway system.
- 4 column feature area.
- Exclusive service section.
- Responsive layout.
- Cross browser compatible.
- Social sharing icons.
- Inbuilt contact page.
- WPML compatible.
- Easy setup.
- W3C validations.
- Inbuilt gallery page.
- CSS enabled.
- jQuery enhanced.
- Retina ready display.
- SEO optimized.
- WordPress compatible.
- Made with debug mode on.
- Clear representation.
- Ad banner section.
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