The wisdom and the precision with which your baby can be protected and made strong is through a number of experts termed as a neonatologist, these individuals take care of the infants and look over their health.
The doctors or the medical people who are in the field of neonatology and want their services to be exhibited to a lot of people by channelizing their work online can do so through Neonatologist WordPress Theme.
Neonatologist WordPress Theme
The people for whom the theme would be suitable is neonatologists, gynecologists, physicians, medical practitioners, and others from the same branch of medical.
The template has awesome features that will help the doctors to display their amazingly on the web through the theme which includes features and sliders and appointment plugin which can help the user to upgrade his profession.
Appointment plugin :-
Apart from the comprehensive features of the theme, it also includes a plugin where all the appointment of your patients can be easily managed, the appointments can be changed as per the need of the doctor, when a particular day is required to be called off randomly that can also be managed.
The time slots are provided to the patients to select their desired for, they can in addition to that make preference as to what day and service they want to opt for.
Stupendous features of the theme :-
- Full-width slider :- The template has a full-width slider where all the images related to the infant care can be exhibited on the exclusive section of the theme.
- 4 column feature area :- The skin has a feature area where all the services that are provided by the theme can be easily shared on the respective section of the theme.
- Sliding blog section :- The template has a sliding blog section where content other related stuff can be shared on the theme specific section.
- Accordion section :- The template in which the services can be shared in a tabular format is called as the accordion section of the theme.
- Testimonial section :- The feedback of the patients can be shared in the testimonial section, if the patient’s wish they can also give suggestions as to how the user can customize their services for growth aspects.
Features Of The Infant Gaurd WordPress Theme :-
- 4 column feature area.
- Sliding blog section.
- Retina ready display.
- Responsive layout.
- HTML and CSS enabled.
- Clean code.
- Made with debug mode on.
- WPML compatible.
- jQuery enhanced.
- High on performance.
- Exclusive video section.
- Clear representation.
- Contact form with google map.
- One click installation.
- Appointment booking form.
- Fullwidth slider.
- Prominent testimonial area.
- Social sharing links.
- W3C validation.
- WordPress version compatible.
- Cross browser compatible.