Unlimited Edu Firm is a college management system open source PHP script which helps you in handling the colleges or institutes for any sort of purpose.
This PHP college management system script comes with a clean and sorted admin panel to manage the hostel details and student reports. It also allows you to conduct online exams.
Moreover, this PHP script grants you to conduct online exams and also, it lets you display a list of details about the student’s fees and other expenses on the website.
Quality Features Of Unlimited Edu Firm PHP Script
Accounts Handling System
This PHP script lets you handle the accounting related information. It further provides you with access details of accounting information.
It tells you about the fee collection of students and different type of bank account details and daily transactions of staff etc.
Library Management System
With this amazing PHP college management system, you can easily handle all the college management system which includes the library too.
For Instance, some of its operations are mentioned here,
Member Panel
Admin can easily manage student details for allowing them to become a member of the group. Members can issue books online according to their membership.
Add Books Option
It gives you easy access to add any of the books with the author name, subject details, and the price of books etc.
Multiple Operations
You can manage the various operations through this PHP script about students such as their registrations details, documents upload panel, sharing notes operation and much more.
Notice Board Panel
Admin can publish notices which display on the homepage of your institution website.
You can also publish the notice of the last date of fee submission, time-table for exams and any sort of upcoming event.
Students Daily Report
You can easily get the daily report of the students such as their daily attendance. Similarly, you can get the complete list of their presents, absent and leave etc.
Transport And Traveller System
This PHP script allows you to manage the transportation information to let the students and staffs know about the buses details along with their routes.
Assignment Status Panel
This college management system PHP script has an amazing function to give access to the teacher to monitor as well as inform their students about the assignments.
Additionally, students can ask their QA to their teachers about it.
Alert SMS System
Admin can easily provide alert messages to the students, guardians and staffs related to the important notices and information on different occasions.
Admin Credential
URL: http://soft.businesswithtechnology.com
Admin Login:
User: [email protected]
Password: 123
Additional Features
- Testimonials Option
- FAQ Panel
- Dedicated Support