Ninja Media is a viral videos and media sharing source. With this PHP media script, users can share images, videos and more, on their social network account.
This PHP media sharing script comes with the embed video support with popular networks like Youtube, Vimeo, and Vine. Also, it supports all the media files like PNG, JPG, GIF etc.
Prime Features Of Ninja Media PHP Script
[su_icon icon=”icon: dashboard” size=”24″ text_size=”24″]Full Admin Functionality[/su_icon]
Ninja Media PHP script allows admin to make desired changes over website menu. It gives authority to admin, to modify, add media, delete comments and categories from the front end menu panel.
Also, it has an option to customize the primary and secondary color of the web page and change out the layout styles.
[su_icon icon=”icon: th” size=”24″ text_size=”24″]Categories[/su_icon]
As we mentioned, this is a viral media sharing script. So, having different categories is a most important feature. There are 10+ different media categories is available with a different kind of viral content like cartoon, comedy, film, animals, music, news, sports and more.
[su_icon icon=”icon: upload” size=”24″ text_size=”24″]Free Upload[/su_icon]
This PHP media script comes with free media uploading and sharing option. So, everyone can upload videos, photos, GIF and audio without any restriction.
[su_icon icon=”icon: address-book” size=”24″ text_size=”24″]User Login[/su_icon]
The visitor can register themselves and create their own account for more options. Also, it allows you to manage your profile and uploads, it just like Youtube account login.
[su_icon icon=”icon: registered” size=”24″ text_size=”24″]Customize Website Logo[/su_icon]
In every online business, a brand name is important. So, Ninja Media PHP script gives an option to the admin, to change and modify the website logo at any time.
[su_icon icon=”icon: facebook-square” size=”24″ text_size=”24″]Social Network Sharing[/su_icon]
Users can share uploaded videos and photo with their social circle. This social media sharing feature is a bit rare in video sharing site.
This PHP media script allows everyone to share media file over all the popular social networking site like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest.
[su_icon icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” size=”24″ text_size=”24″]Comments & Like[/su_icon]
Ninja Media has similar features like Facebook and Youtube. It gives a comment box with their every videos and photo. So, users can comment and Like the uploaded content. It might be helpful to admin, to deliver more quality content.
[su_icon icon=”icon: hashtag” size=”24″ text_size=”24″]Tags[/su_icon]
Registered users can use tags with their media files during uploading the files. Tags are displayed on search engine results pages, that specifies the title of your uploaded media file.
[su_icon icon=”icon: bell-o” size=”24″ text_size=”24″]Notifications[/su_icon]
This PHP media sharing script comes with the live notification feature, it makes users up to date with every single upload over the website.
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