If you are looking for a multi-school management system, then answer is Global Multi School. Using this school Management PHP script, super admin can manage their multiple schools, colleges, and institutes from one server.
Global Multi School comes with a powerful dashboard and beautiful frontend web page. It allows admin to customize theme colors and manage photo gallery over the site.
Global Multi School Management Script: Features
Multi-functional Dashboard
Global Multi School has a strong admin panel. It allows to make front-end changes as well as provides all management details. Also, It has super admin login. So, he can manage and modify the website for each institute from one end. Admin panel comes with the following options and details:
- Profile
- Languages
- Teacher
- Guardian
- Student
- Attendance
- Exam
- Mail & SMS
- Announcement
- Event
- Payroll
Global Multi School comes with an administration panel. Where all the general settings and details are available. From administration end admin can manage the following settings:
- Payment Setting
- SMS Setting
- Academic Year
- Role Permission (ACL)
- Manage User
- Reset User Password
- Activity Log
- Publish Guardian Feedback
- Backup Database
Human Resource
This school management PHP script makes easy employee management. It gives an option to the admin, so he can change & manage the designation of employees. As well as add a new employee to the organization.
There is attendance record of the followings & absent Emails:
- Student Attendance
- Teacher Attendance
- Employee Attendance
- Absent Email
- Send Absent SMS To Parents About Their Child
If you are using Global Multi School, then you don’t need any other software to manage to account.
This system helps you to keep the record of the all fee discount, fees due, fee collection, income head, expenditure and more. Also, it manages the fee collection and generates an invoice.
This helps to manage the payment of employees and teachers. There are different grades and salaries for individuals. Also, it provides the paid salaries history.
Online Payment Gateways
Admin can set a payment gateways according to their convenience. So, students can pay their fee online.
It comes with following payment gateways:
- Paytm
- PayPal
- PayUMoney
- CCAvenue
Through the library section, admin can add detailing of new books. So, students can find the required books easily.
Also, there is a complete record of books issued by the students and regular library members.
This school management PHP script is also helpful to manage school transportation services. It provides the following details about services:
- Name Of Your Institute
- Transportation Route
- Members List
- Transportation Vehicle
Manage your hostels with Global Multi School management PHP script. It allows the administration to add new hosteler and manage rooms. Also, it provides complete detailing of hotel members with their name, contact number, room number, class, roll number and more.
Customize Theme Colors
This school management script gives you 10+ theme color customization. Admin can change front end layout colors with few clicks at the dashboard.
Media Gallery
A media gallery comes with this school management script. So, admin can add images of school events on the website. Also, it gives an option to add a new gallery to the website.
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