I was able to upload my own video and now I keep receiving an error message when I click on play. I have tried all the tricks from the forum and it still didn't resolve the issue. Can you guys please take a look into my website and try to upload your own video on your end? Here is my website name www.vidtalent.com Thank you in advance.
Poloray theme. When I change my page from "full page" to "default page", I lose all of the page formatting such as the bulleted lists.
Hi, Yogesh, I found your answer on remove the "all" bottom on the frontpage. the code is Use following CSS in Custom CSS to remove ALL button. Code: #filters li[data-filter=all] { display: none; } But how about I remove the ALL bottom and USE another folder to show in the frontpage? Pls advise.
The system is not letting me access the area to download themes. I am a monthly member and paid in full...help.
Help. How can I make my site smaller , the Themia theme is too large on internet ,not good on mobile.!!
Hi.i would like some modifications for my site.i have bought the theme classifieds.i want a freelancert to help me.can you? thanks in advance
Hello < I purchased the trafica temple and I cannot remove the mention of traffica from the top, cant get rid of the facebook box cant get rid of the traffica testimonial, cant get rid of the traffica text boxes at the bottom...also the contact us, our pages ,search anything and inkthemes theme as wells Thank you for your help
hello, I have a problem about my new website, every time the customer register, they receive an email but the link bring them to the wordpress login not in my website sign in.