Hello, If you does not delete the old file theme will not install with the same name. All Customization will lost except the values you filled in theme options. I said about name because you are uploading classicrafttheme(1).zip it may generate error because when you extract this file yo will get classicrafttheme folder inside. Thanks & Regards Pramod
I'm sorry. But your response to my question does not help me. I just got off the phone again with GoDaddy and have been told I need to do an FTP upload, which you don't mention, Pramod. I don't understand how your company can sell these themes saying they can be up and running in two hours. Firstly, the company needs to emphasize that anyone buying a Wordpress theme needs to be very familiar with Wordpress customization. I am, however, very good at designing templates. But this has become like someone buying a car and then being told they need to rebuild it. My apologies. But I have been at this for two months as all my threads confirm. And every thread I write I need to wait 24 hours, and then the answers most of the time require more questions. And I don't move forward. I do really like the site format, but right now I feel like giving up. And I'm quite sure a refund is not possible.